When the unexpected happens and your vehicle needs repairs, having a dependable body shop can make all the difference.
As a policyholder, you have the right to choose the repair shop for your claim.
If you don't have a repair shop in mind, consider using the Kemper Repair Network. These certified repair facilities provide prompt, quality service at reasonable prices, and the shop will guarantee the work for as long as you own your vehicle.
Be sure to report your claim as soon as you can so we can get to work as quickly as possible and get you back on the road!
To find a shop near you, click here:
Kemper Repair Network benefits
- Customer service: Our repair facilities understand Kemper’s expectations of quality and service, and how this benefits customers. Our facilities are required to secure an appointment with the customer within 48 hours. Kemper pays these shops directly so customers don’t have to wait for a payment to schedule repairs.
- Hundreds of repair facility locations: Customers can visit the Find a Repair Shop page on Kemper.com to find hundreds of locations to choose from.
- Guaranteed quality of the work: We contract network shops to guarantee the quality of the repair work for as long as you own your vehicle.
- Certifications: Our repair partners carry certifications from vehicle manufacturers. Our partners also maintain status with the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair (ICAR), the leading organization dedicated to providing information, knowledge, and skills required to perform repairs.
- Fast repairs: Our relationships with network shops allow for a streamlined repair process. Customers will benefit from fast, quality repairs. Customers can also opt-in to a text program to receive updates on the repair of their vehicle.
- Quality assurance: Our network shops follow Kemper's repair guidelines. We have a strong quality check that all our repair facilities must meet.
- Kemper Support: The claims adjuster is here to answer customer questions or provide support. Additionally, our quality assurance team is ready to support you if you need help during the repair process.
Choosing a repair shop doesn’t have to be difficult. With the Kemper Repair Network, you get trusted service, guaranteed repairs, and support every step of the way. Visit Kemper.com to find a shop near you, and let us help you get back on the road.
This material is for general informational purposes only. All statements are subject to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the applicable policy. In all instances, current policy contract language prevails.